
Community Guidelines

Connyct Community Rules & Guidelines

Welcome to Connyct—where vibes are immaculate, connections are real, and the nonsense stays at the door. We’re all about finding your people, keeping it fun, and letting loose. But even in paradise, we’ve got a few rules to keep things from going off the rails.

So, let’s cut to the chase:

The Golden Rule: Don’t Be an Asshole.

Seriously, that’s the foundation of everything here. But because some of you might need more clarity, let’s break it down:

What NOT to Do:

1. No Hate Speech.

  • Racism, homophobia, bigotry, misogyny—none of it flies here. We’re not here for your hate. Spread love or get lost.

2. No Violence or Threats.

  • We’re not running a fight club. If you’re here to promote violence, post gore, or threaten anyone, you’re out.

3. No Harassment or Creepy Behavior.

  • Don’t be that person. Whether it’s sexual harassment or just plain harassment—none of it’s welcome. And leave the creepy vibes at the door, especially when it involves minors. We’ll show you the exit and probably call the authorities too.

4. No Posting About Minors.

  • Keep kids out of this. Don’t post about them, exploit them, or make things weird. You’ll get banned faster than you can say “creep.”

5. No Fake News.

  • You got a wild conspiracy theory or some fake news to spread? Keep it to yourself. This isn’t the place for misinformation or sketchy narratives.

6. No Suicide or Self-Harm Encouragement.

  • Don’t joke about it, don’t suggest it, and don’t promote it. Be better.

7. No Unapproved Marketing or Spam.

  • We love a good hustle, but don’t turn this space into your personal ad campaign. If you’re spamming or pushing promos without approval, you’re out.

The Bottom Line:

We built Connyct to be a dope place where you can be yourself, have fun, and make connections—just don’t be a jerk about it. If you’re crossing the line, we’ll take action. Posts and profiles that break these rules will be deleted. Keep it up, and you’ll be kicked out—no apologies, no second chances.

Oh, and Don’t Forget:

Not everything you don’t like is against the rules. Someone’s post might annoy you—that doesn’t mean it’s breaking the guidelines. Use the block and unfriend buttons if you need to. We built them for a reason.

Now that we’ve covered that, let’s get back to having a blast on Connyct. Catch you in the feed.